Plan miasta Bjallerhult

Bjallerhult - Najnowsze wiadomości:

karlskrona two - karlskrona, sm?land and blekinge, sweden

... stayed at my dad's place a few times but he works during the day and there is not a lot to do where he lives and nowhere to go! my dad lives in a place called bjallerhult which is about 100kms from karlskrona. to get to his house, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Karlskrona Two - Karlskrona, Sm?land and Blekinge, Sweden

My dad lives in a place called Bjallerhult which is about 100kms from Karlskrona. To get to his house, which has been there since 1830 requires driving on a dirt road for the last 5kms. The property which is around 52 acres consists of ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Karlskrona Two - Karlskrona, Sm?land and Blekinge, Sweden

My dad lives in a place called bBjallerhult/b which is about 100kms from Karlskrona. To get to his house, which has been there since 1830 requires driving on a dirt road for the last 5kms. The property which is around 52 acres consists of ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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